Lee GullettStudio G

I'm Lee Gullett,
and I grow brands around the world.
a creative thinker,
a creative visionary,
a creative director,

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Print Design - HTML - UX Design - Video - Photography - POP - Packaging

As a creative marketer, Lee has brand and design leadership experience in both agency and in-house environments. He has elevated global brands working with several different multi billion dollar companies in a client facing role (Whirlpool, Amway, Steelcase, Gentex, and Perrigo). After contributing to several success stories within multiple industries, Lee understands how to effectively translate business strategies into creative solutions.

I can't think of any other creative director that I would rather work for. Not only is Lee a great designer in his own right, he's an amazing boss.— A Happy Team Member
I'm continually impressed that Lee not only delivers impressive visuals, but that he is constantly thinking about the deeper customer experience.— A Happy Client

As a team leader and mentor, he is an advocate for awareness of design and technology trends. His Stretch program for design teams is an important part of this professional awareness. Lee's work has produced several Gold and Silver Addy Awards as well as a Judge’s Choice Award. Additionally, he has led design courses as an adjunct professor at Kendall College of Art and Design and served multiple years as a judge in the West Michigan Creative Smackdown.