Lee GullettStudio G

Gentex Corporation


iPad App

Designed an iPad app for discussing the various product categories during Gentex sales presentations. A dynamic, non-linear solution.

iPad App

Gentex Global Brand Website

A re-launch of a global brand website with a new, more high tech direction for the brand while using Drupal CMS. Also designed and developed a Gentex careers website for an immediate recruitung need. Later honored with a personal “Look Back Bonus” for outstanding contributions to the company.

Gentex Website

Glare Brochure

A Gentex multi-page brochure outlining the effects of glare during nighttime driving. My objective was to make sure the cover was memorable and easy to describe to others.

Glare Brochure


Managed the creation of several marketing videos highlighting featured products. Also filmed and edited other product videos.


Video Example

A series of video interviews captured with an SLR camera using a low aperture allowing only the subject to be in focus.

Recruiting Ads

A fresh approach to recruiting talented engineers by creating an ad for each demographic. One for the experienced engineer, the recent grad engineer, and a universal ad for both.

Recruiting Ads

Automotive News Ads

Designed many global ads for the high volume trade magazine Automotive News. The reader surveys revealed that Gentex ads were often the most remembered ads by readers - even if the Gentex ads were only half page ads and the rest of the top 10 remembered ads were a full page.

Automotive News Ads


Branded displays designed for each of Gentex's product categories were used for trade shows and special events.
